Landscape Block Printing
Landscape Block Printing
Age groups: 5-10, 11-17
Love color and nature? Join us in capturing the complexity of nature’s landscape through layered woodblock printing! We will be studying the work of Gustave Baumann’s southwest block printing pieces for inspiration as we dive into the shapes of mountains, trees, and flowers. Each student will create their own woodblock print worth keeping.
Age group 5-10: July 21- July 24 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Age group 11-17: July 21 - July 24 (1:30 pm - 4:30 pm)
Space is limited to 12 students per class
all materials included
Refund Policy:
For a full refund, registrations must be cancelled no later than 10 days prior to the first day of class. Registrations cancelled after this date are non-refundable. Sorry, no partial refunds for missed class days. Any sessions cancelled by Apprentice Academy will be rescheduled or refunded upon request. Class size must meet a minimum of 5 students to be held.